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Air Risning Washing Machine

  • The machine is universal for glass bottle and plastic bottle rinsing with air. It adapts servo motor system for turning bottle up to down for air blowing and sucking. It can blow inside of bottle with clean air and sucking the dust out of the bottle.

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Automatic Bottle Air Risning Washing Machine Description

  • Air Rinsers provide an efficient way to safely remove dust and small particles from containers before filling. This system is particularly suitable for removing loose contaminants that may have accumulated in the containers during shipping or storage. Containers first enter the rinsing area and are then bathed with ionized air generated by special transvector air flow amplifiers. The static charge that attracts debris to the surface of the containers is neutralized (ionized air does not sterilize the containers). Rinsing heads are lowered into the containers and a blast of compressed air is blown into them. A vacuum is then applied to remove the loose particulate. Debris is collected in a bag behind the machine or directed into the extraction system of the facility.

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Automatic Bottle Air Risning Washing Machine Advantage

  • Ionized air, Compressed air and vacuum
  • Flexible, Simple changeover
  • Removes the static charge that causes dust to be attracted to the sides of containers, allowing the debris to be removed
  • High pressure filtered air combined with a vacuum maximize the removal of loose contaminants from containers.
  • Because the system uses air, no rinsing solution is left to contaminate the container when the rinse cycle is complete
  • Versatility and simplicity are intrinsic to the design.
  • Many container shapes and sizes can be run on one machine
  • Manufactured with few or no change parts allows for easy changeover and minimal downtime

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Bottle Clamping Device

  • It can clamp bottle mouth or body depending on bottle shapes and material.

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Machine Structure

  • Height adjustment with TBI screw leads.

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Machine Structure

  • Blowing and sucking nozzles.

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Machine Structure

  • Sucking Pump System and air filter.